Voice Messages will be converted to Text Messages in WhatsApp!
is the main medium for everything from school, college notes to urgent office
documents or group discussions with friends.
the midst of so much controversy, this messaging platform has maintained its
identity as a popular social media. And seeing this popularity, WhatsApp is
coming up with one feature after another.
people send voice to save time while chatting in this app. As a result, the
message goes to him as he survives while typing. But if the voice message is
converted to a text message! Surprising to hear, there is a method by which you
can convert any voice message into a text message.
can be used on both Android and iPhone.
to do it? Find out.
For Android-
go to Google Play Store and install Transcriber for the WhatsApp app.
installed, open it and select 'Done' on the welcome card.
tap and hold the WhatsApp voice message you want to convert for a while.
tap on the share option and select the 'Transcriber' app.
so will automatically convert the voice message into a text message.
For iOS users-
download this app 'Audio to Text for WhatsApp' on iPhone.
the app and allow speech recognition. ›Now open your 'WhatsApp' chat.
hold, and click on the 'Forward' option to convert the voice message you want
to convert.
the share option at the bottom right of the screen.
the 'Audio to Text' option here.
you do then the voice message on the screen will be converted into a text
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